Impacting Ethiopia’s investment ecosystem through a holistic approach to attract and retain quality investments by bridging the private sector needs & public sector delivery

Private Sector Support: Provision of timely and quality local market intelligence for investors to support successful establishments; seamless and sustainable integration into systems; and enabling sound business decisions.
Public Sector Support: Support in improvement of efficiency and effectiveness of services provided by government institutions aimed at overall investment and trade promotion for a result-driven and impactful investment & trade attraction and operationalization.

Development of bespoke initiatives to enable partners in harnessing communities potential and bringing about sustainable social changes

Project Management: Provide implementation support of initiatives/projects/programs to enable institutions to deliver on their setout objective and goals in setout timeline and resource

Partnership Management: Strengthening and structuring communication and management of stakeholders for a coordinated service and impactful alignment:

Targeting development of institutional and human capital development aimed at improving service delivery

Institutional System Development: Support institutions improve their efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery by helping them in redesigning their governance structure and service delivery systems in-place.

Training Program: Supporting in the recruitment and placement of high-caliber professionals and building the capacity of employees with tailored training programs and by employing performance development and evaluation systems

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